Import External Particle Systems
External particle systems can be included into Shape for visualization or analysis. They can come, for instance, from theoretical hydrodynamical simulations, observational data points from internal proper motion measurements to be compared with a model, etc.
To load a particle system open the file opening dialog from the Menu bar > File > Import External System (see screenshot on the right).
Then select and Input File. The file format should be ASCII with columns separating different data items, one row per particle. The order of the columns does not matter, since you can choose from which column each data item is load. However, position and velocity components should be in cartesian coordinates. The density can also be loaded. It does not have to be density, but can be any quantity that will be used as emissivity in Shape.
Make sure to select the correct Column Separator. Otherwise the data won't be read correctly.
Once the data have been read into the 3D Module, there will be a default Density Modifier. To access the density information from the external particle system, you either have to disable (or delete) this modifier or change its mode to "scale". Otherwise, the distribution given by the density modifier is used directly. If you are not going to do any further operations to the density, then it is recommended to disable the density modifier, making further processing more efficient for large numbers of particles. If the number of particles is larger than 50000 or so, it might be recommendable to set the percentage of particles visible in the 3D view ports to some fraction of this amount. |